viernes, 14 de febrero de 2014

Little Valentina - Little Valentine


Pero, ¿Alguien sabe realmente la historia de San Valentín?

Cuenta la leyenda que Valentín era un cura que ejercía en Roma en tiempos de Claudio II. Este emperador, prohibió que los chicos jóvenes se casaran, para que los soldados no tuvieran ataduras.

San Valentín, el cura, que estaba en contra, empezó a celebrar matrimonios a escondidas y Claudio ordenó que lo encerrasen. Además de eso, la persona que le iba a encerrar, Asterius, quiso hacer mofa de él, y le retó a que le devolviese la vista a su hija ciega, y Valentín hizo que viera.

Aún así, Claudio hizo que lo martirizaran y ejecutaran el 14 de Febrero de 270. La chica que estaba tan agradecida por poder ver, puso un ramo de flores en su tumba como símbolo de amor y amistad eternos.

No sé si esta leyenda es verdad o no, ya que he leído muchas historias sobre Valentín, pero esta es muy guapa y triste a la vez.

Y vosotros, ¿Cómo váis a celebrar este día?

Esta es mi contribución a este día, Little Valentina, el ángel del amor y la amistad. ¿Os gusta?


Happy Valentine's Day!

But... Who knows Saint valentine's true story?

Legend has it that he was a priest that governed Rome in times of Claudius II. This emperor prevented young men from getting married because he thought they were better soldiers at war if they didn't have any ties. Appart from that, the person who was going to lock him down, Asterius, wanted to mock him, so he challenged him to cure his daughter who was blind by birth. Valentine gave her her sight back and Asterius was so shocked that all his family members became Christians.

Nevertheless, Claudius ordered that he was tortured and executed on the 14th of February 270. The girl was so grateful that she put a bunch of flowers on his gravestone as a symbol of eternal love and friendship.

I don't know whether the legent is true or not, as I have read many different stories about Valentine, but this one is beautiful and sad at the same time.

How are you going to celebrate this day?

Here is my contribution to this day. Little Valentine, the angel of love and friendship. How do you like her?




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