Ojalá pudieran venir a echarme una mano con todos los pedidos para estas Navidades (demasiadas mamá noeles para las cenas de empresa) jajaja, que yo no sabía ni que existían cenas de empresa navideñas. Han sido muchas las personas que se han interesado en tener una "Little Mamá Noel 2013". Muchas gracias a todas ellas.
Y ojalá los elfos cuidaran de mi cuello y me dieran un masajito de vez en cuando.
Por si acaso, yo he creado esta elfa de Navidad, a ver si hace un poco de magia a mi alrededor jajajaajaj. Se llama "Little Elfie"
¿Qué os parece??
In American culture, a Christmas elf is a little creature that lives with Santa Claus in the North Pole and helps him make the toys in his workshop apart from taking care of his reindeer, among other tasks.
I wish they could come and help me with all the Christmas orders (too many "Chritsmas Littles 2013" for company dinners) jajaja, I didn't even know there was such thing as a company dinner at Christmas! Lots of people have been interested in these Littles, so thank you all very very much.
I also wish the elves could also take care of my neck and give me a little massage from time to time.
Just in case, i have created this little Christmas Elf and let's hope she works her magic around me this Christmas hahaha. Her name's "Little Elfie"
What do you think about her??
